Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Blackberry, Jimaca, and Granny Smith Apple Salad - Quickie Post

I keep saying that I am not going to teach you how to make salad....and then I do.  What is wrong with me?  Anyway, here is a super quick post of a salad to help you switch up your salad routine.  You better make it soon because the blackberries are disappearing quickly and being replaced with pumpkin everything.  Hold on to summer for one more lunch!!!  

Looks good, right?

Here's what you need:
arugula or mixed greens or spinach or whatever
1 granny smith apple
salad dressing (balsamic vinegar dressings are great with the berries)

I know, what the F&%* is a jimaca?  It is a Mexican root vegetable that tastes kinda of like a cross between a potato and an apple, in a good way.  We don't talk a lot about micronutrients here on Cooking with Dr. G (I'll leave that to Dr. Oz), but as a whole food plant based eater I am always interested in veges that pack a decent dose of iron, and jimaca happens to be one of them :)

If you can't find jimaca or are too scared to try it just use more granny smith apple (I'm rolling my eyes at you).

So now you cut you apple (peel, no peel, whatever) and jimaca (you should peel this one) in to match sticks, slice your cucumber and then toss it all together.  Sprinkle on some walnuts and drizzle on the dressing and then enjoy your one last taste of summer lunch.

Happy eating and best health,

Dr. G

PS. I'm working on some pumpkin inspired recipes for a post hopefully this weekend...but I do have to work this weekend soooo no promises.

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