Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Whole Cranberry Sauce with Clementine - Just in time for Thanksgiving

As you are getting ready for Thanksgiving dinner don't forget to add a few plant based options to the menu.  Remember that Thanksgiving is about giving thanks for what we have, like our good health, and not about eating our faces off.   That said, I'm pretty sure you are going to eat your face off, so here is a super quick cranberry sauce that you don't have to feel guilty about.

Whole Cranberry Sauce with Clementine

1 cup of whole cranberries, fresh or frozen
1 cup of water
1-2 tablespoons honey, to taste
juice and zest of 2 clementines (of half an orange or 1 tangerine)

This is so simple that I can't believe that I ever bought cranberry sauce in a can, silly!

Put the cranberries, water, honey, and juice in a sauce pain and bring to a boil.  Let it boil away for 10-15 minutes until the cranberries have all burst open and the sauce is thick enough to cover the back of a spoon.

Turn off the heat and then stir in the zest.  Chill in the refrigerator until you are ready to serve.  You can definitely make this a day or two ahead.

If you have leftovers try is on some oatmeal for breakfast the next day.

Happy eating, Happy Thanksgiving, and best health,

Dr. G

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